general Lease Rules: 1) Lease payment is due First Semester August 1st and Second Semester January 1st Summer rates June 1st and July 1st 2) House keeping service monthly in kitchen, bathrooms, living room and hallways 3) No pets or smoking inside the house 4) Trash cans put at bottom of driveway for pick up on Monday's by the City of West Haven 5) Driveway and front door snow removal is provided by Chris 6) Overnight guests, not for more than 2 consecutive nights 7) Two zones for AC/Heat and house keeping will check/set the temperature accordingly 8) Kitchen and dishes cleaned after you prepare/finish meals 9) Amazon lock box will be placed at front of house and key is in the kitchen and should be returned once used 10) The first floor office, kitchen and garage are closed and not available for storage 11) Any personal issues with other guests kindly do the best to resolve 12) Parking in driveway and the front of house is first come first serve for house residents 13) Two sets of sheets, pillow cases, towels and throw blanket offered per room 14) Please don't leave clothes overnight in washer/dryer 15) Mindful with the volume of TV's/Laptops in rooms. Kindly use headphones if available when other tenants are home 16) Outdoor patio cushions should be stored in the storage box on the patio when not using 17) Grill covered when not in use 18) A 24-Hour notice from property manager to enter/show house and available room to new tenants 19) Any overnight guests, please provide a heads up to your house mates 20) Room mate disputes please handle as adults amongst yourselves